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Thursday, 30 May 2013

Notes to Self - Recoil (Crimson) [Official Video]

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Notes to Self - Recoil [Crimson] (Official Video)


Windsor Ontario, across the river from Detroit, so close it can feel like a suburb under the gaze of the GM towers. Just like The 'D,' Windsor's also a hotbed of talented artists. Notes' own cinematographer, Eric Boucher, is one himself. Our own director Benjamin Young Hart went to University there and its where he shot his formative independent movies ( When we finished recording our project, we knew there was a couple videos that needed to be shot in Windsor, and this song happened to be a perfect fit.

Heist plans made over Reubens and coffee. Weighing on their minds as they go through their day-to-day and culminating in a riverside burial.

We managed to shoot the robbery scene 5 or 6 times before the police showed up. We imagine the masks did it, but honestly people must've thought we were the cockiest thieves ever, robbing that house so many times. Neighbors asking if we wanted a glass of water after our fifth take of busting down that red door. Also, it turned out there was a warrant out for someone with the same Government as Swamp - so that didn't help our cause either.

We're pleased to say that none of us were arrested during the shooting of this video - and we managed to pull it off over the course of two beautiful days.

Windsor, thank you again for having us.

- Notes to Self


Artist: Notes to Self
Song: Recoil [Crimson]
Produced by Bronze One (of Notes to Self) for Course of Study & Book (of Beatface)
*AKA BOOK & BRONZE for Heart on Sleeve
Raps by Bronze One, Roshin & Swamp Donkey (all of NTS)
Cuts by DJ Dopey (of NTS)

Directed & Edited by Benjamin Young Hart for
Co-Directed by Matthew Bronson for Course of Study Creative
Creative Direction by Course of Study Creative
Concept & Treatment by Benjamin & Matthew
Cinematography shot by Eric Boucher for CXCF
Online by JR for

Drawings by Adrian Forrow (
Graphics & Treatment by Course of Study Creative

From the NEW Notes to Self project "Target Market [RECOIL]"
with DECON Records.