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Sunday, 15 September 2013

NMercer - Crossroads EP - @NMERCERMusic [Album Review]

Singer, rapper, and songwriter Naomi Mercer moved to the racial and economic powder keg South Central, California for affordable housing and discovered the most precious gift of all—her creative voice—through embracing the community and culture of her new surroundings. She’s emerged a fire starter MC with a sensual melodic overtones, a limber flow, and playfully irreverent lyrics. NMERCER has been favourably compared to Santigold, MIA, Jessie J, Missy Elliott, G-Love & Special Sauce, Ke$ha, and Gwen Stefani.

Her self-titled debut Crossroads blends rugged hip-hop beats, mesmerizing electro-pop hooks, and lush EDM textures. NMercer is very tongue and cheek with her lyrics and has all elements to be marketable to the mainstream audience. We reviewed her latest EP Crossroads and feel her strongpoints are extremely catchy hooks, and distinctive voice and sonically sound production on the the beats. If you're headed out on a Saturday night and are having a good time NMercer is definitely something you could hear playing in any night club across North America. 

Crossroads is now available for purchase at iTunes

If you want to hear more music check out other songs below.