Promotional video and lead single from soon to be released #DR3AMCATCHER from new artist IBE. Will be released on Itunes, Bandcamp and other sources in the next 2 weeks.
This is a promotional single and may not represent the final version.
Beat Production - Jared Tait
Executive Production - Theymedia
Video Production - Theymedia
IBE appears courtesy of Theymedia.
Preme appears courtesy of Theymedia.
Tim Cheppenko appears courtesy of Beatfarm.
Session Player - James Marie
This is a promotional single and may not represent the final version.
Beat Production - Jared Tait
Executive Production - Theymedia
Video Production - Theymedia
IBE appears courtesy of Theymedia.
Preme appears courtesy of Theymedia.
Tim Cheppenko appears courtesy of Beatfarm.
Session Player - James Marie