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Sunday, 22 September 2013

Franciis Neptune - Hood Symphony - @FranciisNeptune [Mixtape Review]

We don't receive many beat tapes for review, so when Francis Neptune's latest mix arrived in our inbox we had to listen to it in it's entirety. Hood Symphony is a 24 minute mix that shows an aspiring beat maker at work. Every track blends well together and sets the tone for what we call a a "magical experience" into the world of Francis Neptune. 

New Jersey's own Franciis Neptune presents a taste of his highly anticipated beat mix-tape "Hood Symphony". Take a listen to the 16 year old producers preview.

"You can't have a show without practice, and right here is the mixtape/prequel (in one shot) for the hood symphony album. There are some snippets of the album in there and a whole lot of unreleased and unfinished material." - Franciis Neptune